Hail and Farewell!

Kodiak Alaska PMO Rich Courtney
Kodiak Alaska Port Meteorological Officer Rich Courtney retired in September 2014 after 20 years in the National Weather Service. Rich was well known in the Alaska marine community for his superb customer service over the last 16 years at Kodiak. Rich also had a distinguished 20 year career in the U. S. Naval Weather Service rising to the rank of Chief Warrant Officer 4.
National Weather Service Alaska Region Director Aimee Devaris had this to say at his retirement; "Rich, You are a rare an exceptional example of a person making the absolute most out of their position in Civil Service. Your expertise and ability to connect with the marine community is beyond compare. Thank you so much for your tremendous dedication in service to the National Weather Service and the public. You will be greatly missed. Best Wishes."
A hardy welcome to Craig Eckert our new PMO Focal Point assuming the watch in Kodiak Alaska! Craig will be replacing Rich Courtney, and those are big shoe to fill; I am sure Craig will be up for the challenge. Craig is currently the “Official in Charge” for the National Weather Service Office in Kodiak Alaska.

Kodiak Alaska PMO Focal Point Craig Eckert
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