Welcome Aboard!

I would like to introduce all to the newest Port Meteorological Officer for the U.S. VOS program, Tim Harris. Tim will be the PMO for Long Beach California and the surrounding area. We can all look forward to having such a busy port under such qualified, capable and watchful eyes.
Tim was a Meteorological Technician for the National Weather Service at Kotzebue Alaska for the last two and a half years. Tim's vast experience in meteorology comes from 18 years in the U.S. Navy and he is currently in the U.S. Navy Reserves finishing up his Navy career at the Mission Support Center in Coronado, California providing critical support for operations. Some of his previous duty stations include his first duty after training, Mobile Environmental Team Jacksonville, Florida. From there he was stationed at Naval Air Station Fallon, Nevada, supporting air craft carrier Air Wing 3; Ft. Meade, Maryland / National Security Agency, working as a Special Weather Intelligence Analyst providing ArcGIS worldwide Intel support ; Guantanamo Bay, Cuba supporting the Joint Task Force, Coast Guard, Naval Base Gitmo in addition to shipping interests.
Welcome Aboard Tim!
Big Thanks and Introduction to Stuart Hayes, Layout and Design: Mariners Weather Log
I have known Stuart for quite some time now but only in the last couple years have I really gotten to work with him. Stuart is one of the nicest and most accommodating persons I have ever met. His talent and professionalism makes me grateful each and every issue!

Stuart is an Illustrator by profession and became a contractor to NOAA's National Data Buoy Center in 2002 as the logistical audio visual support. He provides a variety of services for the NDBC such as: covering conferences, special events, on site photographic documentation, and desktop cartogrophy. He supports our mission with printed material from small name tags for visiting high level officials and staff, dial-a-buoy cards, procedures and manuals on various equipment, and large informative graphics for conferences, and presentations using software suites appropreite to the material.
Stuart majored in photography in the late 70's at Memphis College of Art Memphis TN. Some of his former positions, which compels me to note how totally surprised I was when I found this out, was an Operations Manager in the oil and gas service industry and diesel engine repair, parts supply, generator rental Department Manager. His interest while away from the Space Center is working as an independent non-commercial photographer. He also casually follows Formula and LMP Motorsports. Since I don't follow motor sports, he had to spell that out for me; Worldwide Formula One and Le Mans prototype auto racing.
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