PMO Corner: Support and Pride...Miami PMO Swears in New OMAO Crew
David Dellinger,
Port Meteorological Officer - Miami

Left to right: Mr. Godfrey Gittens, Mr. Michael Jones, and Miami/S. Florida Port Meteorological Officer David Dellinger
On April 8, 2016, I had the honor and privilege to be part of the hiring process for two new OMAO (NOAA Ship) crew members, Mr. Michael Jones (Relief Crew Member) and Mr. Godfrey Gittens (Able Seaman). Mr. Michael Jones and Mr. Godfrey Gittens were sworn-in today aboard the research ship BASELINE EXPLORER, at Port Everglades. Mr. Gittens will be attached to the NOAA ship FAIRWEATHER, homeported out of Charleston, SC. Mr. Jones has yet to be assigned a ship. It was a picture perfect day for a memorable occasion.

Left to right: Mr. Michael Jones (Able Seaman) and Mr. Godfrey Gittens (Relief Crewman) with Research Ship BASELINE EXPLORER
I would like to thank Capt. Larry Bennett and the crew of the BASELINE EXPLORER, for allowing us the use of his ship for this event.

Mr. Gittens being sworn in as Crewman for OMAO by Miami/S Florida Port Meteorological Officer David Dellinger.

Mr. Michael Jones with Miami/S. Florida Port Meteorological Officer David Dellinger on the bridge of the BASELINE EXPLORER.