Mariners Weather Log
ISSN 0025-3367U.S. Department of Commerce
Carlos M. Gutierrez, Secretary
VADM Conrad C. Lautenbacher, Jr. (USN-Ret.)
Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere
National Weather Service
Brig. Gen. David L. Johnson (USAF-Ret.)
Assistant Administrator for Weather Services
Editorial Supervisor
Robert A. Luke
Layout and Design
Patti Geisfeld
Articles, photographs, and letters should be sent to:
Mr. Robert A. Luke, Editorial Supervisor
Mariners Weather Log
Building 3203
Stennis Space Center, MS 39529-6000
Phone: (228) 688-1457
Fax: (228) 688-3923
Hello and welcome to another fun-filled issue of the Mariners Weather Log (MWL). I hope that everyone is now accustomed to writing 2007 by now. I was at the grocery store last night & slipped back to 2006 but I have been known to have "moments" in the past... The year 2007 is special for NOAA. This year marks our 200th anniversary since President Thomas Jefferson founded us as America’s first science agency. Just think of our different achievements and milestones since then. The earliest records of meteorological findings from the Lewis and Clark expedition to Isaac Cline’s heroic efforts during the 1900 Galveston hurricane, and now using satellites to infer wind speeds and wave heights on the open oceans. Since it is a special year for us, each issue of the MWL will host a variety of articles highlighting the life story of NOAA.
In this issue, we offer the inaugural salute to NOAA and also bring you a great article about how hurricane research has evolved though the years. Skip Gilham has graciously submitted another great story, which is about the life and death of the cargo ship Georges A. Rocha. For those serving down under, be sure to read the communication changes that have been made by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (page 17). The VOS program also salutes the 102 participants who have earned the coveted VOS Annual Award plaque. I applaud all the dedication and effort of these ships and I encourage all the rest to keep trying, so you too will soon be a recipient. And, of course, what would a MWL be without the marine weather, tropical and climate summaries.
Once again, I hope you enjoy this offering of the MWL.
Regards —Luke
Some Important Web Page Addresses
NOAA | http://www.noaa.gov |
National Weather Service | http://www.weather.gov |
National Data Buoy Center | http://www.ndbc.noaa.gov |
AMVER Program | http://www.amver.com |
VOS Program | http://www.vos.noaa.gov |
SEAS Program | http://seas.amverseas.noaa.gov/seas/seasmain.html |
Mariners Weather Log | http://www.vos.noaa.gov/mwl.shtml |
Marine Dissemination | http://www.nws.noaa.gov/om/marine/home.htm |
U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center | http://www.navcen.uscg.gov/marcomms |