VOS Program Awards
Seattle PMO Pat
Brandow presented a 2001 VOS plaque to the Westwood Anette for high quality of surface marine
observations. Standing left to right are: 2nd officer Florito Rodreguez, Capt Joselito Monreal, and
Chief Officer Edgardo Cimarra. |  |
 | PMO
Jim Saunders presents a VOS Award to Radio Officer Richard W. Brandfas of the M/V Green Lake.
PMO Jim Saunders presents
a VOS Outstanding Performance Award to Capt Craig Langford and 2nd Officer Frank Lang of the M/V
Fidelio. |  |
 | 3rd Officer
Lazaro V. Herrfra and Capt Roger Murch of the M/V Frances L received a National VOS award.
Pictured left to right
is 2nd Mate Mark Irish, Chief Mate George Nielsen, and Captain Jon Larson of the Tug Malolo of
Dunlap Towing which recieved a VOS Award. The crew reports a large percentage of the Gulf of Alaska
weather observations. The Tug Malolo steams primarily in the waters from Valdez to Kodiak and
Cook Inlet to Chignik, pulling a fuel barge. |  |
 | Seattle PMO Pat Brandow presented a 2000 VOS award to the Elliot Bay for superior performance.
Pictured left to right are: 2nd Mate Feliciano Micabalo, Master, Capt. Ruben Redosendo, and 3rd Mate Pepe
Calvo. |
Captain P. Bakshi of the
M/V Maersk Wind was presented with a VOS award by PMO Jim Saunders. |
PMO Jim Saunders (pictured center) presents a VOS Outstanding Performance Award to Chief Officer A.J. Lowry
(on the left) and Capt Bagley (on the right) of the M/V Tellus. |